Setting up a PC600 Clock
Follow these steps first in PayClock Online:
- Choose Clocks in the navigation list.
- In the slide out menu select Manage Clocks.
- Press + New.
- In the list select PC600 and press + Select.
- In the Device Nickname field, enter any name you wish to call your PC600.
- In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number from the back of the clock.
- Press Save.
At the clock follow these steps to complete the setup:
- Tap Admin on the touchscreen of the PC600.
- Tap the numeric keys for the admin pin, press Enter. The Administrator Main Menu screen will display.
- Tap Network Setup.
- Tap Define Host, the Select Connection Method screen will display.
- Tap Hosted. At the confirmation screen tap Yes. The Connect To Server screen will display.
- Press the Connect button. The PC600 will connect to the PayClock Online database over the internet and update itself. Once complete, the clock will be ready to use.
Wed 12/05/2018