Setting up a PC600 Clock


Follow these steps first in PayClock Online:

  1. Choose Clocks in the navigation list.
  2. In the slide out menu select Manage Clocks.
  3. Press + New.
  4. In the list select PC600 and press + Select.
  5. In the Device Nickname field, enter any name you wish to call your PC600.
  6. In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number from the back of the clock.
  7. Press Save.

At the clock follow these steps to complete the setup:

  1. Tap Admin on the touchscreen of the PC600.
  2. Tap the numeric keys for the admin pin, press Enter. The Administrator Main Menu screen will display.
  3. Tap Network Setup.
  4. Tap Define Host, the Select Connection Method screen will display.
  5. Tap Hosted.  At the confirmation screen tap Yes. The Connect To Server screen will display.
  6. Press the Connect button. The PC600 will connect to the PayClock Online database over the internet and update itself. Once complete, the clock will be ready to use.


Wed 12/05/2018